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Finishing 2023 Feeling Strong!

Writer's picture: katieperronedptkatieperronedpt

TLDR: What if finishing up the year “strong” looks a little bit differently this year? Finishing up the year strong or finishing up anything strong usually means that you are going at something with all that you can and giving your absolute all to get the most out of something, until you can’t give anything anymore. How about this year, finishing the year strong means that you are taking care of yourself and feeling like you are giving yourself the space that you need to be okay during this busy season? What if strong means that you are taking breaks and prioritizing yourself and the things you enjoy? Strong has many meanings - make it mean what you want for the end of the year!

I think it is human nature and tendency and habit to just go at everything we do at our absolute all and try to give 100% into everything and everybody. I also think that this can be a good thing if we are trying to reach a goal or do something difficult or challenging or new. I also think it can be detrimental to us at times though.

I always see this time of year how people “are going to finish the year strong” or “go into the new year strong!” or they are “giving it their all for the final weeks of the year”. I think this makes a lot of sense. I understand being goal-oriented and if we set a goal for ourselves at the beginning of the year, we may recognize that these are the final weeks of the year to reach that goal before the new year starts. But what if instead of pushing yourself so hard to do everything and be everywhere and rush to try to reach those goals (which may or may not be realistic at this point of the year) - you cut yourself some slack, and give yourself some grace and let yourself just be, and enjoy the final few weeks of the year?

Hear me out. December tends to be a busy time of year for most people. Holidays mean more shopping, more family time, more time with friends, more gatherings, more cooking, more cleaning if you are hosting parties, and just busier schedules in general. In all of this, as fun as it can be, there is likely going to be added stress as well. If you are trying to push yourself to do other things as well and to give your all in every single one of these areas, you are potentially setting yourself up for burning out and then really finishing off the year, not as strong when you think about it.

What if we actually finished 2023, FEELING strong. Not doing or being strong. Feeling strong. Feeling like we have taken care of ourselves. Feeling like we are healthy. Feeling like we are headed into a new year rested and recharged and ready for the new year in general. Knowing that we worked hard all year and still give ourselves grace in life and know that even if we didn’t reach every goal we set, it doesn’t mean we didn’t give our best or weren’t our strongest. But having the physical and mental strength to actually enjoy the month of December and move on to the next year knowing we are good to go.

I think like with anything, this is going to vary person to person. And people are going to thrive in different ways and doing different things. This December though, my goal for finishing off the year is to look more like I’m taking care of myself. As much as I love the holidays and the things that go with it, I tend to commit to too many things and try to do a little bit of everything and keep working and still doing the things that I need to do and want to do for my daily life. In the process of trying to do everything and be everywhere, and give my all, I end up feeling exhausted by the end of the month. This year, my goal is to commit to taking care of myself during this busy time of year. Doing the things and going to the places that I really enjoy. And prioritizing my self-care and my mental health in the ways that are helpful and important to me. And also, giving myself grace. Knowing that it is absolutely okay to not do everything and to not be everywhere. Give myself the grace that and knowledge that it is okay to rest - and necessary!

If I am able to do the things that I love and the things that I know make me feel better both mentally and physically, I feel like overall I am going to feel less stressed and more healthy. I want to be able to be present with all of the things that I choose to do for the holidays. I think being more intentional in my choices and how busy I am going to be this month, will help me to truly be my strong self. Not wearing myself out to the point of exhaustion. I want to be strong at the end of this year and going into the new year. I have a lot of things that I am working on and shooting for over the coming months and year, and I want to be able to get there in a way that is healthy for me! And I think that starts now, by finishing the year mentally and physically strong for myself.

Being strong doesn’t mean sacrificing everything, exhausting yourself, committing to everything, and just going until you can’t anymore. It means being able to be the best version of yourself. And however you are able to do that and need to do that, prioritize that! Prioritize yourself as we come into a really busy time of year and into the new year too! And always, while we are at it! Taking care of you so that your mental and physical health are strong, is better than just finishing something strong! Be the best and strongest version of yourself - be the version of yourself that you want to be! And know that it is more than okay to prioritize yourself and get there!

What are your thoughts about this? How does the end of the year look for you? What is your finishing up strong looking like for you? There’s no right or wrong! What works for you!? These are just my thoughts for what I want my December to look like!

If there is anything specific that you would like to learn about, comment or email me and I am more than happy to talk more about it!

Thanks for being here!

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Dr. Katie

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