That's a wrap 2023!
Self-Care is the Best Care!
Are you a sneaker? Because I can't resist trying you on and seeing if we're a perfect fit!
Finishing 2023 Feeling Strong!
LWL Love RunLoveRun!
Dr. Katie's hip surgery was a year ago?!
"Before PT, I was a pain in the butt!" - Piriformis
Physical Therapy Puts the Pieces Together!
Skip the Script! Come to PT directly!
Your Form is More Important the Weight You Lift!!!
Should I run outside or on the treadmill?!
How to Travel PAIN FREE on Long Trips!
Why you NEED to replace your sneakers sooner rather than later!
Why you NEED a physical therapist on your team!
When Life Gets HECTIC...
How to prevent falls when you are an older adult, starting now!
Make time for your wellness, or you will have to make time for your illness!
Are YOU Ready to Move Better and Live Better?!
When Life Gets Overwhelming, Go to the Beach!